Velocity-head correction for hydraulic flow / by Morrough P. O'Brien and Joe W. Johnson. 1934.


Velocity-head correction for hydraulic flow / by Morrough P. O'Brien and Joe W. Johnson. 1934.

2 p. ; 28 cm.


SNAC Resource ID: 7245589

Related Entities

There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

O'Brien, Morrough P. (Morrough Parker), 1902-1988 (person)

Biographical Information Morrough Parker O'Brien was born in Hammond, Indiana, on September 21, 1902. He completed high school in Toledo, Ohio, and received a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1925. He did graduate work at Purdue University, 1925-1927, and in 1927-1928, as the John R. Freeman Scholar of the American Society of Civil Engineers for study of fluid mechanics at the Technische Hochschule in Da...

Johnson, J. W. (Joe William), 1908- (person)